Why PrecisionMed
Precision Med Works 9 Why PrecisionMed

We listen, We Care, We Help!

We believe “A penny may seem very insignificant thing but it is the small seed from which fortune springs”.

We at PrecisionMed Works help you significantly save every possible penny by reducing your cost, accelerating your revenues and assuring accuracy and transparency of complete process.

  • ZOur commitment to CPT, HCPCS, ICD, and HIPAA compliant medical billing practices lends us the imperial stamp of authenticity.
  • ZAAPC certified medical coders and billers to offer across the board revenue management and compliance solutions
  • ZTeam with cumulative experience of 15+ years in the US healthcare industry
  • ZOur solutions are easily flexible and scalable to diverse practice demands – individual practitioners, small clinics, and large multi- specialty chains
  • ZEasy transition - We have expertise in working with 30+ billing software and we can work on the project immediately without the need for intensive training or a steep learning curve
  • ZYou can go for new projects anytime - We have expertise in 25+ major medical specialties.
  • ZAttain better yields at lower cost through our efficient payer follow-up and denial/rejection processes
  • ZArresting revenue leakage through a diligent review of the procedures billed and identifying unbilled revenue
  • ZReal-time reporting and business analytics
  • ZAccounts receivable management, old-age billing, and rigorous follow-up mechanism
  • ZGenerate cleaner, faster claims with extensive healthcare business process knowledge, multiple layers of quality control and compliance checks, and quick turnaround in upstream billing processes such as coding and charge entries